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Lori Ciabattini - C4SBP Foster Mom

Star Consultant

(760) 488-3876

My Story

I am one of the foster moms for Cause for SB Paws. Cause' helps so many dogs in need. It is not easy or inexpensive. If our love for these rescue animals could pay their medical bills we would be paid up years in advance! Unfortunately, it takes lots of $$$ and the only way we get that is through donations and fundraising. So... I sell Scentsy and donate my commission to support Cause for SB Paws! This is a win-win. You get a great smelling home - AND - are donating to Cause for SB Paws at the same time.
I hope you find something you love! Thank you in advance for your support!
(The washer whiffs have been a game changer for me. The doggies blankets/bedding smell amazing!)

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